Come Visit Japan!

Specfic Scenes

Japan has so many different scenes for everyone. There are so many it is hard to list them all. Cars and anime are the most well known scenes in Japan. Learn more about it below.


If you're into cars you already know about the amazing car scene Japan has to offer.The have one of the most unique car scenes and inspire a lot of other car fans abraod. This is interesting because Japanese culture usually influences their society to not stick out. However, the car scene goes against that with their flashy cars (credit for all information from Hot Cars.)

Fig.1 - Cars


Of course Japan is more than just Anime. However, they are really big about Anime. A large amount of Anime acorss the globe comes from Japan. The Anime culture, merch, and experince is so much better than you could experince anywhere else in the world. Japan even has theme parks catered to different Animations.

Fig.2 -Anime